Home Shipping Status

Shipping Status

Product Availability

What does ESD (Estimated Ship Date) mean on the Shipping Status page?
This means that we estimate that the product will be available to ship/begin shipping by the ESD date. We list ESD dates based on the dates that our suppliers schedule material deliveries. During COVID-19, our suppliers have been working hard to get materials shipped to us. However, for multiple reasons, materials aren’t always delivered on time. This is why we have an “Estimated Ship Date.”

Note: UPS, USPS and other major carriers have suspended service guarantees for shipments (money back guarantees) until further notice.  

Keep in mind other factors such as weather could impact your shipping and delivery.

Back-Ordered Items

Items that are back-ordered will be shipped in the order received.   Payments on back-ordered items may not be processed until we are ready to ship.  If we are unable to ship your order within a certain period of time, we may not be able to process your credit card payment - your credit card provider determines how long we get to process payments. Elecraft does not save your credit card information in our system.  Unless you place a note on your order requesting that we process your payment, we may need to contact you for payment information when your order is ready to ship.

Availability TBD means we are attempting to source boards for that particular product. 

If you are unable to find a part, please see Retired Products here or email Elecraft Parts Request.